Email account setup for Eudora

  1. Under the "Tools" menu, select the "Options..." option.

  2. A window called "Options" should appear. Where it asks for your "Real name:", enter your name. Your email address should go in the "Return address:" box. Enter "" in both the "Mail Server (Incoming):" box and the "SMTP Server (Outgoing)" box. Enter your user name where it says "Login Name:" - your user name should be the first half of your email address, the part before the @ symbol. Make sure the "Allow authentication" checkbox is checked. When all this is done, click the "Incoming Mail" icon from the list on the lefthand side.

  3. Make sure that for the "Server configuration:" choices, the "IMAP" button is clicked. For "Authentication style:", the "Passwords" button should be clicked. Click the "OK" button.

  4. You're done! Read your email!